Had I known when I started the Human Resource Management program at UMUC.edu that I'd need basic HR experience for it to benefit me in the job world, I probably would have stuck with trying Library Science. I had originally asked an advisor before I signed up for this program if I needed HR background. She said no. Technically I don't need an HR background to be in the program but little did I know that not having one would 1) make the classes harder because I didn't understand a lot of the HR issues and 2) not be able to find a job in HR because of lack of experience in both HR and management. This hindsight is unfortunate. However, I found a job in customer service with data entry that was right up my alley and I enjoy it so much. Even though my master's degree was not helpful, I was still able to find a job that fit me perfectly. I'm not a manager per se but I still managed to streamline the government sales team and create a functional and efficient system for handling customer base. Because of this, our customers keep coming back because we are responsive and easy to deal with.
So no, I'm not in HR, but yes, I am fulfilled in my current position and hope to remain there until retirement at age 70-75 if I am able to make it that far. Cheers. -Carla
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